Developmental Guidelines: Infants
*Information provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics
Photographs of other babies & familiar objects
Allows for pointing and naming of objects
Contrasting Colors
Durable, Tactile Books
Books that can easily be sung to them
Books with Photographs of Other Babies & Familiar Objects
Books that include familiar objects allow opportunities for parents and caregivers to point to objects and name them which supports language development.
Durable/Tactile Books
Board books with rounded edges and thick pages or books that are soft, furry, and have lots of textures or mirrors are great options for infants. Parents can introduce funny animal sounds or object sounds to encourage laughter. Additionally, parents can encourage active playtime by using the book to entice the infant to roll and reach for the book.
Books that Can Be Sung
Choose books that parents can use to sing to their newborn. Parents can learn the song and sing anytime, even when the book isn’t present. Books with nursery rhymes or songs can also help parents act out the lyrics (e.g. touching baby’s body parts to match the story/song).